Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rogue Trader Xenos Ship Utility RTXSU v1

I have started a new utility called the Rogue Trader Xenos Ship Utility RTXSU v1 to generate Xenos vessels.  Rather than tack it onto the RTSU and make that excel file even larger this will be a Xenos-Only Utility intended for the creation of Xenos vessels for the Rogue Trader RPG.  Starting with the Eldar I will get it working and publish soon.

The basic framework is complete and should lend itself well to expansion.  The most likely race to come next is either Ork or Tau.

The Layout of the 'Character Sheet'  will be similar to the RTSU and I have toyed with the idea of adding a 'Stat line' ship sheet as well for ease of use on the tabletop in a smaller format.

As there is only a little official Eldar information out there from FFG I will add some 'home brew' hulls taken from literature and the previous canon/fluff with 'made up' stats.  This will be replaced by official canon FFG stats if they ever bother to publish them.

Download Link at the bottom of this page.


  1. Where can we find the sources for the various items and ships mentioned in this utility? Can you, uh, give us citations for this stuff?

    1. Also, you missed the Shadow class from Fallen Suns, I believe.

  2. You're also missing most of the Eldar ships in Battlefleet Koronus on this, including Frigates and Cruisers. Which book did you find these ones in?

  3. anyone know where I can find this file? Link is dead
