Wednesday, March 30, 2011

RTSU Vaulted Ceilings Error FIXED

Vaulted Ceilings were not displaying Quality of COmponent on Character Sheet correctly instead indicating 'Pick Quality' in error.


Power Available on Character Sheet was not displaying additional Power from Auxiliary Plasma Banks.


Monday, March 21, 2011

RTSU v1-41 is underway

Fixed and/or Added so far:

Problems FIXED:
Armour Plating was subtracting 2 too many space to ship when Dauntless or higher hull was chosen. 

  • I've worked on the HULLS logic to allow for the addition of twenty new hulls.

Added MURDER Class Cruiser to Hulls, $SP Cost is guessed at  
Added AVENGER Class Grand Cruiser to Hulls, $SP Cost is guessed at 
Added IGNIS Class Heavy Cruiser to Hulls, $SP Cost is guessed at    
Re-Added WOLFPACK Class Raider to Hulls, $SP Cost is guessed at    

Plans:  Prepare the Utility for changes in anticipation of Battlefleet: Koronus

Sunday, March 20, 2011

FIXED! RTSU 1-40r09 Armour Plating Error

FIXED! RTSU 1-40r09 Armour Plating Error

The Dauntless Class and above were having twice the amount of space removed, 4 instead of 2.  Will re-publish after some testing as 1-40r11 or later.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


DILIGENCE is a heavily modified LUNAR Class cruiser operated by Rogue Trader Lord Captain Saz Miks in the Gades Sector.  He is an antagonist of the player characters in an upcoming episode.

Just trying my hand at cut and paste, I love the Voss Pattern Prow.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rogue Trader Xenos Ship Utility RTXSU v1

I have started a new utility called the Rogue Trader Xenos Ship Utility RTXSU v1 to generate Xenos vessels.  Rather than tack it onto the RTSU and make that excel file even larger this will be a Xenos-Only Utility intended for the creation of Xenos vessels for the Rogue Trader RPG.  Starting with the Eldar I will get it working and publish soon.

The basic framework is complete and should lend itself well to expansion.  The most likely race to come next is either Ork or Tau.

The Layout of the 'Character Sheet'  will be similar to the RTSU and I have toyed with the idea of adding a 'Stat line' ship sheet as well for ease of use on the tabletop in a smaller format.

As there is only a little official Eldar information out there from FFG I will add some 'home brew' hulls taken from literature and the previous canon/fluff with 'made up' stats.  This will be replaced by official canon FFG stats if they ever bother to publish them.

Download Link at the bottom of this page.

Rogue Trader Random Ship Generator RTRSG v1-32

Found only at MakeWarNotLove (bottom of the page for download link) for now as it is still unfinished and the Character Sheet output is rough. I started this in June, 2010, and recently picked it back up to finish and make into a useful tool as I haven't found another on the Internet that does more than regurgitate the random generation of vessels found in the GM'S Screen published by Fantasy Flight Games and some might find one useful.

March 3 2011 - RTRSGv1-32 published
Weapons generate automatically and are output on the character sheet by weapon points available for ship hull.
Working on logic to generate actual stat lines for Ship space, power and $sp.
No logic to constrain overuse of space and power yet.
Supports all CORE RT hulls and ItS hulls.
Supports all CORE RT, LotE and ItS weapons.
No supplemental component generation yet.
My intent is to get this RTRSG working to the point where it will generate a vessel, all its relevant stats and bonuses like the RTSU, that is correct and obeys the Space and Power limits of the Hull Class and its Genarium.

Download link at the bottom of the page.

Happy Birthday Rogue Trader Ship Construction Utility!!!!!

Happy Birthday!

I started the RTSU about one year ago at the end of this March, 2011. It is a utility that allows for the creation of Rogue Trader (and generally all Imperial starships) ships for the Rogue Trader RPG.  It is compatible with Excel and Open Office, weighs in at less than 1 megabyte, and has ZERO macros (macros always make me uneasy when I open a spreadsheet).  When you select options for the vessel a character sheet is automatically updated 'on the fly' for the vessel so you can print it or use it as you play.  It is now in version v1-40r9.  I will soon update it with material from the Battlefleet Koronus supplement though I expect this to take quite a while to complete.

You can find it for download on Dark Reign and at my own site MakeWarNotLove (at the bottom of the page you'll find the download link).

This blog is not only for the RTSU and Rogue Trader in general but now that I am planning a series of utilities for the RT RPG I wanted a site to disseminate them all to the public that supports this awesome game that I love so much.

Download link at the bottom of the page.

Here is an example of the Character Sheet output: